The Hardwick Cap, named after the Elizabethan Hardwick Hall that overlooks the Derbyshire countryside. Home to the infamous Bess of Hardwick, the richest woman in England, second only to Queen Elizabeth I.
Expertly designed and crafted to offer a unique silhouette to any ensemble, the traditional eight panel cap with 11 ½" diameter crown takes its influence from the caps of the early 20th century with a contemporary twist.
The Hardwick, is made in stunning light grey undyed wool, woven in Yorkshire by one of our favourite milliners, Marling & Evans.
The caps are expertly made for Stanley Biggs by the world famous Hatters, Christy's of London.
The Hardwick Cap
exkl. MwSt. |
Cap - 100% British Undyed Wool
Lining - 100% Cotton